employee engagement

Finding Nine Minutes for Your Employees

I was soaking on a recent blog post at a website for deliberate mothers. Obviously, it made me think about the importance of being an intentional manager.

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The post in question wisely suggested that micromanaging your children as they get older is no longer necessary. (Managers, review your developmental notes from Situational Leadership.) No, there are nine moments, Amy Makechnie says, that are most impactful on your children:

·      the first three minutes–right after they wake up

·      the three minutes after they come home from school

·      the last three minutes of the day–before they go to bed 

All of us are pressed for time -- moms and managers alike. We do our best, Makechnie says, with the time we are allotted.

I’ve tried paying attention to these nine minutes with my own children. It’s amazing how impactful it is for me to set aside my laptop early in the morning, lift Thea into my lap for a snuggle, and ask her about the day that lies ahead. It’s impactful for me, and it appears to have an impact on her.

 Translate this to the workplace.

 What would it look like for a manager to spend three minutes at the start of an employee’s day; three minutes when they return from an important meeting or engagement; three minutes before the day ends?

Pretty amazing, I bet.