The Leadership Circle

Solidify Your Footing with The Leadership Circle

The team at Floricane is excited to introduce The Leadership Circle, a new leadership coaching program we're launching in September -- and facilitated by Debra Saneda and Anne Chamberlain. As the application deadline (August 8) nears, we're excited by the response The Leadership Circle has received. We're looking forward to diving into this new program with a small group of local leaders interested in peer-based dialogue, learning and support.

The Leadership Circle is a confidential space for a small group of local leaders to gather and discuss topics relevant to leading a team, department or organization. We're targeting senior leaders from the for-profit, not-for-profit, higher education and association space. We believe that a mix of leaders from a range of sectors and areas of professional focus will make for impactful discussion. The Leadership Circle is not a leadership development program, but rather a peer-based, professional coach-led space for people to discuss and resolve serious issues confronting their leadership, or their organizations. The group will consist of 8-12 leaders (we may have multiple groups) who will meet monthly from September through May, discussing a list of topics generated during the first session.

You can learn more and complete the brief application on the Leadership Circle webpage:

The Leadership Circle: What is it?

This fall, Floricane will be launching a new program called the Leadership Circle. While we know there are a gazillion leadership programs in the marketplace, we think the Leadership Circle offers something unique. How is it unique? It's a confidential place for leaders to gather and discuss issues relevant to them. Topics will be generated by the participants in their first session.

The Leadership Circle will be a cohort group of leaders that come from all types of places such as: profit, non-profit, government and trade associations. Blending leaders from different situations was a specific request from the participants in our focus groups. They felt the varied backgrounds would enhance the discussion and enrich the path to solutions.

Floricane’s coaches, Anne and I, will be there to facilitate each monthly conversation. We will add our expertise as well as ask questions to keep the conversation on track.

Get more details about the Leadership Circle here!

Applications are due by August 8th, 2014.