It's so nice to see an article-- written by someone other than us-- about the importance of self-awareness in leaders. This post from Psychology Today asserts that the most effective executives have a "realistic assessments of their own abilities." We couldn't agree more, which is why we love using Insights® Discovery as a self-awareness and personal effectiveness tool. It's a simple way to reveal to someone their personal strengths, potential weaknesses, and ideal work environment (among other things). We've seen the combination of an Insights® profile and Intro to Insights workshop completely transform the way people show up at work. We've seen it change teams for the better, and we've seen it alter an individual's career path in a huge and exciting way.
Understanding what drives you, what motivates you, and what drives you crazy, is the foundation for becoming a better team member, manager, and leader. Lucky for you, we offer Intro to Insights workshops every few months. Sign up yourself, or sign up your entire team.