It’s official – the joint Richmond Symphony/Floricane leadership and organizational culture program has a name, and it’s tuning itself for the upcoming 2012-2013 season!

FIRST CHAIR, a co-creation of the Symphony and Floricane puts up to 80 employees from a single organization on stage with as many as 60 musicians from the Richmond Symphony – plus Maestro Steven Smith and Floricane’s John Sarvay. In a facilitated, in-the-moment musical experience, participants sit elbow-to-elbow with the musicians for a live performance, and deconstruction, of an intense piece of classical music. Along the way, lessons in collaboration, innovation, change management, organizational effectiveness and leadership are woven into the discussion.

FIRST CHAIR was piloted last spring with a team of 80 leaders from HCA’s Chippenham/Johnston-Willis campus, and it was a huge hit. Since that first session, key Symphony staff – including advancement director Frazier Millner, executive director David Fisk and business development manager Elyse Jennings – have been ironing out logistical details and discussing FIRST CHAIR with more than a half-dozen businesses interested in the experience.

It looks like the next run of FIRST CHAIR is set for the first week of December – with subsequent sessions on tap for early 2013.