There’s no single prescription for effective strategy. Over the years, we’ve facilitated everything from day-long retreats to months-long engagements. When Rx Partnership recently reached out to discuss support, they were looking for a focused approach.
The small nonprofit provides access to medication to uninsured Virginians – primarily through Virginia’s networks of free clinics. After some discussion about need, capacity and timing, we agreed that a targeted refresh of the organization’s existing strategic plan was in order.
Our consultants, John Sarvay and Holly Gordon, tackled the refresh in four steps – an expanded SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) exploration with staff; a board retreat to build out ideas staff identified; a working session with staff to clarify outcomes and strategies; and the offline creation of a final plan with tactics and an implementation schedule.
On the heels of last year’s Medicaid expansion efforts, the RxP team’s focus remains set on thousands of Virginians who remain uninsured. Part of that focus involves ensuring each free clinic is getting the right mix of medication to address significant health issues, such as heart disease or mental health. Longer term opportunities include working with statewide partners to identify prescription access needs among under-insured Virginians, and a more comprehensive approach to data.
The organization is also committed to strengthening their leadership voice throughout Virginia – by continuing to engage in conversations about the future, leveraging better data solutions, and helping more organizations and policymakers recognize the importance of patient-centered pharmacy care.
By taking a compressed, and accelerated, approach to RxP’s strategic needs, we were able to deliver a more focused plan. And Rx Partnership walked away with a future-oriented strategy that their small team, and board, could implement.