Katya is Floricane's summer intern and on a quest to learn all she can from her colleagues and the world of strategic consulting and leadership development. Besides adjusting to a vibrant new city and exploring unique nooks and crannies on her runs, you may find her stereotypically reading outside a coffee shop, conversing with strangers, and filling out Q&As. Here's her latest:
Floricane Q&A
Do you want to rock 'n roll all night or party everyday? Rock 'n roll all night long, replete with ear-blasting live tunes and warm camaraderie.
Which President would you most like to have a drink with, past or present? I’d love to ask President Obama how he balances all his various roles—father, husband, one of the world’s leaders—and how he maintains his sanity in doing so. After all, presidents are ordinary people like us with extraordinary job titles.
If you were not doing this job you’re doing now, what job would you be working? Traversing the world collecting individuals’ stories.
Pie or Cake or Neither? Oh man, so many marvelous merits to both! How can one choose between the ample pie filling or the decadent cake frosting? Compromise: ice cream cake.
Do you have a favorite Sharpie color? Periwinkle, or mint green.
Your favorite place for dinner? As I haven’t been here too long, I’ve not had the chance to explore too many dinner options. Kuba Kuba and Ipanema are notable—both because they’re two of the few places I’ve been, and more importantly because of the company.
What do you most value in your friends? Their supportive ability to laugh along with or at my terrible puns.
What is your idea of happiness? To me, it all lies in experiences and in people—for example: that swelling, radiant feeling when belting out lyrics in the front row of your favorite band’s concert, or staying up until ungodly hours of the morning simply conversing with another human knowing full-well the repercussions of an early wake-up alarm. Happiness is that—an amalgamation of teeny moments that put a smile on one’s face upon waking and falling asleep.
Who are your favorite writers? Kurt Vonnegut’s my main man, and thus Chuck Palahniuk by proxy. Lately, I’ve been on a David Sedaris kick!
What is your go-to book, relative to the work you do with Floricane, and why? The Art of Possibility by Ben and Rosamund Zander. It so simply and elegantly proposes an optimist’s guide to leading through other people, and trying to act in a manner that makes “others’ eyes shine.” Truly uplifting amidst the difficulties of tackling work issues.
What are three things you love about Richmond? Off the bat, the friendliness of individuals—it’s like getting a warm embrace from a stranger with a simple smile or hello. The river, and all the running trails associated with it. The irreplicable vibe teeming with diversity: people, food, attitudes, landscapes.
And lastly, what are the things that excite you most about Floricane, its clients and the community in 2015? From what I’ve gathered, Floricane attracts and keeps its clients in part due to the individualized service and attention it provides. There is perpetual learning and growth from all angles, and that is indispensable in helping a company to flourish.