Being A Better Boss: Do the Work. Care for the People.

Accomplish the mission

Your team has to get the job done. Your part of that is to do everything you can to make it possible. Remove obstacles and don’t be one yourself. Facilitate good work.

Care for the people

You’re the one responsible for keeping your people safe. It’s your job to help them succeed today and also tomorrow.

That's how Floricane's new Manager Development Program sees things. Our new six week program for managers and supervisors is designed specifically to help "bosses" coach, develop and engage the people they support.

Over the past seven years, we've seen countless organizations -- from small nonprofits to large corporations -- under-invest in their managers and supervisors. Initially, the recession limited the capacity to invest in people development. But as managers aged in place, and younger people gravitated into roles with supervisory responsibility, it is as if organizations simply forgot that people are their most valuable asset.

Bock continues in his blog post to describe the three kinds of work every manager should do all of the time:

  1. Leadership work, which is about modeling the right behaviors and setting direction.
  2. Management work, which is about process and priorities.
  3. Supervision work, which is ensuring your people are capable of doing good work -- and supporting them.

Is your manager engaging in all three levels of work? If you manage people, are you? Being responsible for the work of an organization, and the health and welfare of a team of people, is not easy stuff. Join us in September as we help a cohort of managers and supervisors map their way through a set of personal solutions.