The Corporate Picnic!

A few years back, the Floricane team and our families gathered together at a Lebanese restaurant on Broad Street for a year-end celebration. There were five of us, and assorted partners and kids. That event was followed by a lot of transition and change.

Which brings us to June of 2015. Our new team -- Anne, Debra, John, Julie, Lesley and Theran -- is on the ground and running, and we've seen the benefit of new energy. We've also recognized the value of celebrating our successes more often.

It took our new team members -- Lesley and Julie -- to initiate and to organize our second Floricane family event. This time we had a picnic, and managed to pick the night after the heat wave broke. It was a perfect evening to hang out with 10 adults, 10 kids and a turtle. (We were at Maymont, after all.)

Our next big party? Stay tuned for news. It's going to be in October, on a roof, and there will be aerial drones.