Manager Development Program: That's a Wrap!

Last week we wrapped up the first running of our new Manager Development Program - a six week program designed to help managers have a greater impact on their teams and organizations. We had a great time creating and delivering MDP, but now that it is over we are quickly shifting our focus to the future and making the program even better.

With all of our work at Floricane we try to help folks identify and leverage their strengths. As we continue to gather feedback from participants and begin an in-depth post-mordem on MDP, we've realized we need to do the same with ourselves. It has already become clear that there is some content in this program that we need to jettison. Not because it isn't useful, but because it just doesn't play to Floricane's strengths. Likewise, we have heard from participants that the content with the most impact is firmly seated in Floricane's wheelhouse. 

We're looking forward to rebuilding MDP and keeping in touch with the 28 managers who took part over the past six weeks. We'll be running a new and improved version in the fall, so keep your ears to the ground.

On the last day, participants were asked to creatively display their own personal management vision, developed over the course of the program. 

On the last day, participants were asked to creatively display their own personal management vision, developed over the course of the program.