The Leadership Circle: The Trick to Group Coaching

Applications are due August 8th, 2014! Click the image for more details about The Leadership Circle.

Applications are due August 8th, 2014! Click the image for more details about The Leadership Circle.

Peer-based group coaching relies on everyone, the coach and the coached, to show up at each session prepared, and willing to work collectively to help each participant grow. The job, of a participant, is to come ready to play hard, support the success of the peers in the group, and leave the day-to-day tasks at the door. The job, of your coach, is to challenge each participant to focus on the right issues, and to bring the best questions and curiosity to each session. 

Group coaching participants need to be committed, others focused, optimistic and willing to learn. The concept of group coaching creates bonds between members that are unique for those participants. Typically, those bonds can last well beyond the formal end of the engagement.

The Leadership Circle is a new group coaching program for senior leaders in Richmond. The first session starts in September; applications are being accepted through August 8th, 2014.