You Get the Board You Recruit

There’s a saying in nonprofit consulting, “You get the board you deserve.” I’m a firm believer in a different adage – good organizations get the boards they recruit.

The James House, which supports people impacted by sexual and domestic violence in the Tri-Cities’ communities south of Richmond, is a case in point.

Last year, as The James House began crafting its long-term strategic plan, it became clear that its existing board – which had been instrumental in helping the Tri-Cities nonprofit grow over the previous decade – was in a state of transition. Once the plan was approved in November, CEO Chana Ramsey and Board President Gay Cutchin started the hard work of rebuilding a larger board of directors that would help The James House grow.

Floricane has been working closely with The James House through this process, and it’s exciting to see the organization move into its new fiscal year (July 1) with a full board, intentionally diverse in gender, ethnicity, geography and profession.

The James House staff has had its share of transition as well. In July we’ll be partnering with Debra Saneda of Herr HR to deliver a full-day of training around individual work styles and team dynamics. In September we’ll spend a full day with the new board, working with fellow consultants Randy Howard and Sarah Milston, to build the strategic, financial and fundraising competencies of the board.

Speaking of recruiting, if you or someone you know has a passion for numbers, a commitment to serving, and a vision to end domestic violence, The James House is interviewing prospective board members with a background in accounting or business financials. Contact Chana Ramsey at for more information.