As we close in on its third anniversary as a business, we’ve been focused on the ways in which we tell our story. We’re particularly excited to be working with local multimedia journalist Alix Bryan, who is working on a series of short videos for Floricane.
I recently sat down with Alix and chatted about how Floricane got its start, how its grown and the ways in which I think we bring something unique to our engagements. She’ll also be talking to our lead consultant Sarah Milston, and four of our favorite clients – Robert Dortch of U-TURN Sports Performance Academy; Bill Martin of the Valentine Richmond History Center; Linda Martin of Bon Secours Virginia Health Systems; and Neelam Thompson from the Virginia Credit Union.
I’m excited to see how Alix ties each of the stories she hears into a Floricane narrative, and will be even more excited to share the final video (and the sure to be amusing outtakes) with our clients and partners later in November.