Join one of our upcoming Insights® Discovery Public Workshops.

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Introduction to Insights® - Public Workshop

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Join Floricane and our friends across the Richmond region as we explore the world of self- awareness and personal effectiveness using Insights Discovery. Insights® gives you a new way to picture yourself and your team -- in full color. By seeing where your personality fits within a broader spectrum, you’ll see how easy it is for us to feel like we’re stuck on different wavelengths from each other. But individuals who hail from all over the Insights Color Wheel can bring their array of strengths together to form a stronger team.

At the full-day Insights® Discovery workshop, you’ll focus on yourself as an individual -- getting a sense of who you are, what you like, how you work best, and what kinds of things really throw a wrench into your productivity. You’ll walk away with a comprehensive Insights® Discovery personal profile, and concrete ideas on how to approach your work in new ways.

Through a series of low-key discussions and exercises, you'll get to know how each personality type operates. Soon, obstacles that once seemed unsurpassable will start to seem a lot less intimidating as we go over how each type works best with others.

Click here to register now!

Later Event: November 12
10th Anniversary Party